14 January 2013

Tempworkers support group hold first solidarity picket in Perth

Last Friday up to half dozen people attended successful information picket organised by the Tempworkers Australia & International outside the headquarters of AtWork in Perth city to highlight the plight of young Taiwanese guest worker Catta who was dismissed after enquiring about her workplace rights and the fact that she and her fellow colleagues were being underpaid by the agency.

The Perth Western Australia Labour Hire company mainly focuses on the recruitment of workers from Asia and the Far East and according to its own website offers bosses the opportunity "to lower labour costs" so that bosses could "say goodbye to staff management issues forever".

In a leaflet delivered to inside the company's offices and outside Catta stated: “I'm a student in Taiwan that I suspended my study and came to Australia for Working Holiday. As far as I know, Australia is a great country with human rights and people are friendly. However, I had encountered unfair treatment on my work.
I was given a cashier job through AtWork Personnel on 12 Oct 2012 and I started to work at a local supermarket at South Perth from the following Monday (15 Oct 2012). However, I was working at the place for only four weeks and I'm now being fired by AtWork.
Interestingly, the reason I was being fired is because I had enquired Fair Work Ombudsman about the overtime pay, Saturday penalty, and about the broker fee from the agency (around 20 Oct 2012). And I've been urging AtWork to send me a copy of my contract twice, but being refused"

In response to Catta's underpayment Fairwork has agreed to address the issue “Atwork Personnel Pty Ltd have confirmed that you were employed on a casual basis, therefore the hourly rate of pay you received, i.e. $19.79 per hour was less than that provided by the Award. The hourly rate which applied to your employment was $20.83 per hour. In addition you raised the issue that your contract required you to remain in the employment of Atwork Personnel Pty Ltd for at least 6 months and you would be fined $400 if you resigned prior to the agreed period. There is no provision in the Fair Work Act which allows an employer to fine an employee for resigning. Atwork Personnel Pty Ltd have been advised of their obligations in relation to this issue and have promised to address it”.

The TAI - a Tempworkers-In-Australia is a support group founded by the Industrial Workers of the Work (Perth). We believe that it is only through organising as workers based on self-management and solidarity of our own struggles that we exert pressure on the bosses and lackeys such as employment agencies.

The IWW recognises that Catta's case which has received extensive coverage in the Taiwanese media is the tip of the iceberg in terms of casualization representing an attack on the rights and conditions of all workers- permanent and casual. Capitalism uses temporary workers for their flexibility, in other words they can be exploited easier with migrant workers being the most vulnerable especially based on visa's. Some are employed directly but many are employed through agencies. While the government and employers promote the illusion of choice with temporary working the reality is far different for the vast majority of the temporary workforce.

The job agencies have had it easy for far too long. It is time for us to unite in opposition to casualization and fight back. Our objectives are:

1. To encourage dialogue between all workers involved in the struggle against Casualization, to formulate strategies to fight against the erosion of worker's rights and conditions.

2. To highlight the efforts of workers fighting back against this trend that is eroding workers' rights and working conditions.

3. To promote awareness of the role of employment agencies in the growing use of casualties labour in all sectors.

If you want to find out more info on the Tempworkers Australia & International or have any problems at work please don't hesitate to get in touch with us at http://tempworkerai.blogspot.com.au/